Accelerate your Earning Power

Develop your Growth Mindset and Unique Impact

Your Career is your Business

When we view our career as our personal business, it means that we take personal charge of our economic future by continually lifting the value we bring to the workplace. The more relevant this is to solving the challenges your team, company and customers experience, the more valuable you become to them. The value that your company experiences from you today will determine how much you will earn tomorrow. There are no limits to this journey except the limits we place on ourselves. This is the principle on which every successful entrepreneur builds a business. It is also the underlying theme built into your personal Growth Predictor platform.

Sustained Growth

Your Personal Impact

Making a unique difference (even in modest ways) is what distinguishes you and the contribution you make to your company’s growth. This platform will help you apply your drive and talent to achieve new levels of personal performance that differentiate your company in the minds of customers and competitors.

It will help you develop and apply entrepreneurial skills and innovativeness in executing your company’s mission that you now consider to be your own. We call this your Personal Impact.

Your Skill Set:

is what defines your conventional value in the workplace. It is a combination of your acquired knowledge, experience and skill. Although this can be considerable, its impact on the growth of your company is limited without your Growth Mindset and Unique Ability.

Your Growth Mindset:

provides the thinking tools and entrepreneurial motivation needed to create your own unique impact on your company. This motivation is derived from the understanding that personal opportunity and reward result from how much your company and customers value what you do for them. This makes you constantly alert to new opportunities to exceed the expectations of your company and customers as you shape and refine your unique contribution.

Your Unique Ability:

is your ability to do things in a unique way or to have a unique perspective. This ability is the result of the special talent that resides deep within you that is often not recognised - even by you. When coupled with your skill set and ignited by your Growth Mindset, you produce Personal Impact that is unique to you and the business in which you are employed. This will transform your career and income.

Aligned Aspirations

Unique Teamwork:

occurs when your team works to create synergy from the unique ability of each team member, thereby leveraging Personal Impact to create even greater value.

Corporate Community:

is the sense of belonging and shared purpose employees experience in a business that truly values people and places a priority on their ability to impact company growth.