Your Growth Chain Reaction

What it is and why it is Different

Your Growth Chain Reaction™ is the rapid knock on effect on the growth of your company that occurs by applying a rigorous measurement standard to the 4 growth pillars in your business: Growth Mindset, Growth Capability, Customer Expectations and Future Revenue – and the dynamic interplay connecting them.

This ground-breaking innovation built on stringent entrepreneurial disciplines, cuts through hype and other data  to isolate and measure your company’s core growth generating ability. This generates new Growth Predictor Intelligence™ that gives you rapid visibility into the future performance of your company and how to change future results – predictably and quickly. It connects the activity and performance of every person in your business directly to the growth of your business’s revenue.

How it is Triggered and Sustained

Your Growth Chain Reaction™ is triggered and sustained by Opportunity and Reward:

  1. A vision for company growth beyond anything previously attempted – despite market conditions.
  2. Belief that employees and teams have the entrepreneurial potential to rise to the challenge of achieving this extraordinary growth.
  3. A remuneration and incentive scheme commensurate with achieving this extraordinary growth.

The opportunity triggered by a collective Growth Mindset releases new creativity, purpose and commitment from every person in your business to deliver your vision for growth. This provides a measurable connection of everyone to your company’s Growth Capability, the resulting impact of this on Customer Expectations, and the predicted Future Revenue that flows from this.

What it enables you to Achieve

  • New confidence in your company’s ability to thrive in rapidly changing and difficult markets.
  • Predictable growth you have not been able to reach.
  • De-risking of your profits in uncertain and challenging markets.
  • Lifting the future value of your company (from certified future performance)
  • Better access to investors through the predictive intelligence you can offer
  • A stronger negotiating position with investors

How it Works

Growth Predictor Intelligence™ measures the 4 growth pillars in your business and the dynamic interplay connecting them: Growth Mindset; Growth Capability; Customer Expectations; and Future Revenue. This connects your company’s predicted revenue growth directly to your measured internal ability to anticipate change, adapt to new challenges, innovate new value, and execute growth strategies with precision.

Our AI powered technology interrogates the growth pillar data generated by your company and the interplay between them to create actionable insights for individuals, teams, and your company to improve the performance of each growth pillar and the interplay between them to accelerate and sustain your Growth Chain Reaction™. 

Your 4 Growth Pillars

  1. The collective Growth Mindset in your business measures prevailing commercial attitudes underpinning the motivation and ability of people and teams in your business to embrace change, create ideas and opportunities, impact customers, and deliver ongoing growth in challenging markets. It isolates the contribution to company growth of every person and team in a business, helps them improve it, and links this improvement directly to predictable revenue improvement. This is your business’s Growth Generator.
  1. Your company’s Growth Capability is the measured ability of your company to effectively deploy its collective Growth Mindset to Adapt; Innovate; and Execute growth strategies to Generate New Revenue
  1. Customer Expectations measures customer anticipation of new value from your company based on their experience your Growth Mindset and Growth Capability. This predicts Sustainability of New Revenue.
  1. Your predicted Future Revenue and growth rate in the next 18-36 months is calculated from your company’s Growth Predictor Score™ which measures the dynamic interplay connecting Growth Mindset; Growth Capability; and Customer Expectations.

The Interplay

While each growth pillar contains a rich resource of valuable intelligence, it is the interplay between them that adds significantly to their accumulative effectiveness and impact on your Growth Chain Reaction™.  

New Visibility into Risks and Opportunities

Visibility into daily opportunities that fall between the cracks that you know is happening within your business that go unnoticed because you have never been able to measure them. This is illustrated by the question below:

    How much of the ‘vision’ a leader has for their business gets reduced to a ‘budget’ in the mind of managers, a ‘task’ in the mind of staff members, and an ‘indifferent experience’ for customers… deflecting revenue and profits to competitors? Even a 5% dilution is substantial. However, on average this is between 20 and 30%. The scale of these daily losses and opportunities to companies cannot be read in your accounts, although they are most definitely reflected.

    Measuring your growth pillars and their interplay gives you a new level of granular detail enabling you to isolate the growth activity within your business, its revenue generating effectiveness with customers and its impact on future revenue. Each growth pillar has a predictable and compounding impact on the next growth pillar. This granular detail extends to every employee and team and as many customers as you want to include.

    Growth Mindset

    Interplay: Each employee in your business has access to our Growth Mindset questionnaire from their personal dashboard on our platform. From the 80 questions which take about 15 minutes to answer, 16 Growth Mindset elements are measured, grouped, and weighted, to generate each participant’s Growth Mindset profile, their scores and analysis. The purpose is to help them understand what a Growth Mindset is and the opportunity they have to lift your business’s revenue and any potential reward for doing this. AI powered analysis supports each person’s efforts to apply and improve their Growth Mindset.

    From this data, team Growth Mindset profiles, scores and analyses are generated for each team leader. This is accessible by team leaders from their confidential dashboards.

    Your company’s overall Growth Mindset profile, scores and analysis is then generated by aggregating team scores. 

    As a CEO or business owner you will be able to communicate the relevance of your company’s 16 Growth Mindset scores to the unique growth challenges of your business, and any concerns you may have, to all employees from your company dashboard. The notes you add become visible to employees alongside their scores and analysis of each Growth Mindset element in their personal dashboard. This connects every employee and their work to the strategic growth of your business, enabling everyone to see from their dashboard how their score improvement impacts your company’s growth.

    In addition, each team leader communicates the relevance of the teams 16 Growth Mindset scores to the unique challenges their team faces in supporting the growth of your business, and any concerns they may have. Team leader notes also become visible to team members alongside their scores and analysis of each Growth Mindset. This provides practical context to improving the team’s contribution to company growth. The platform offers AI powered help to each person and team specifying where and how to improve their impact on growth in the context of their roles in your business by developing and applying their Growth Mindset. 

    Growth Capability

    Interplay: Your company’s Growth Capability score is generated from individual and team Growth Mindset data to measure your company’s overall capability to simultaneously Adapt, Innovate, and Execute new value to customers with effectiveness and precision. This vital 3-dimensional capability has a significant impact on next growth pillar.

    Customer Expectations

    Interplay: Your company’s Customer Expectation score, generated from a single criterion customer measure, is compared to your company’s Growth Capability score to determine your company’s ability to keep pace with changing customer needs and expectations. Your Customer Expectation score is visible on the personal dashboard of every employee alongside their Growth Mindset score to ensure each person’s performance and contribution is connected directly to the achievement of your business’s commercial goals.

    An analysis of customer input:

    • Identifies emerging customer needs and opportunities
    • Identifies any company need to improve capability to keep pace with new opportunities 
    • Feeds this into individual, team and company data
    • Translates this into actionable insights at team and individual level to lift customer expectations

    Future Revenue

    Interplay: Your company’s Growth Predictor score uses data from your company’s Growth Mindset, Growth Capability, and Customer Expectations to produce a single numeric that contains your company’s future growth prospects.

    This is used to:

    • Predict your future revenue and growth rate (18-36 months in advance of results)
    • Give financial context to your company’s Growth Roadmap accessed from your dashboard.
    • Measure progress on improving predicted revenue and growth rate.

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